- Description
- Curriculum
- Notice
- Reviews
Who should study this?
- Students who completed the Certificate in Biblical Studies and will purse the Degree qualification
- All Believers
- Religious Leaders
- Overseers
Credits contribute to Degree in Ministry Qualification. This semester is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Tswana, Bemba, Portugese, Swahili and French.
Wilderness Mentalities JOYCE MEYERS
- Mindsets, Vision and Responsibility
- Responsibility and Trials
- Grumbling and Impatience
- Impatience and the Victim Mentality
- Pitfalls of Visionaries
- The Victim Mentality and Self-pity
- Self Worth Comparison, Stubbornness and Rebellion
Developing Leaders BRIAN HOUSTON
- The Heart of a Leader
- Your Heart Determines the Course of Your Life
- Your Heart Determines Your Success in Life
- Leaders or Followers
- Pitfalls of Visionaries
Reconciliation A.R. BERNARD
- Introduction
- Origins and Destiny
- Fear: The Strategy of the Enemy
- Living a Reconciled Life
Personal Evangelism RAY COMFORT
- Hell’s Best Kept Secret
- Atheism
- Militant Evangelism
- True and False Conversion
- How to Get on Fire for God
Spiritual Warfare DEAN SHERMAN
- The Biblical Foundation
- Understanding Spiritual Warfare
- Warfare Prayer and the Gates of Hell
- Crashing the Gates of Hell
- Exercising Authority in Society
Authority & Forgiveness JOHN BEVERE
- The Bait of Satan
- Under Cover
Spiritual Breakthrough DR. MARILYN HICKEY
- Bible Memorization (Part 1)
- Bible Memorization (Part 2)
- Breaking Generational Curses
Christ Connection DR. T.L. OSBORN
- Jesus Our Model
- Jesus Our Inspiration
- Our Response Action
- Our Credibility
- Our Legality
- Experience
Living to Give WAYNE MYERS
- The Maximum Lifestyle
- How to Initiate a Lifestyle of Giving
- Exchanging Earthly Possessions
- Living and Giving
- Beyond the Possible
- Can God? God Can!
Ministering To Youth BLAIN BARTEL
- Setting the Vision for Youth Ministry
- Leading Leaders to Peak Performance
- Effectively Communicating to Young People
- Planning an Effective Youth Ministry
Biblical Eldership DICK BENJAMIN
- What is a Biblical Elder?
- The Function of Elders
- Qualifications for Elders
- The Fivefold Ministry (Part 1)
- The Fivefold Ministry (Part 2)
Reaching A New Generation WILLIE GEORGE
- What The Bible Says About Children’s Ministry
- The Laws of Hospitality
- The Last Days Harvest
- Preaching to Children
- Pastor-Driven Youth Ministry
- How to Hold a Child’s Attention
- How to be an Excellent Storyteller
Managing For Tomorrow JIM WIDEMAN
- Using Puppets in Children’s Ministry
- How to be a Problem Solver
- Organizing Children’s Ministry for Growth
- How to Get Others to Help You
Christ Connection
1Christ Connection NOTES
2Bible Reading Rosters Jan-Dec
3Christ Connection 1: Jesus Our Model
4Christ Connection 2: Jesus Our Inspiration
5Christ Connection 3: Our Response
6Christ Connection 4: Action
7Christ Connection 5: Our Credibility
8Christ Connection 6: Our Legality
9Christ Connection 7: Experience
10Unlocking the Abraham Promise Book Review
Living to Give
Biblical Eldership
Reaching A New Generation
23Reaching A New Generation Session 1
24Reaching A New Generation 2: The Laws of Hospitality
25Reaching A New Generation 3: The Last Days Harvest
26Reaching A New Generation 4: Preaching to Children
27Reaching A New Generation 5: Pastor-driven Youth Ministry
28Reaching A New Generation 6: How to hold a Child's Attention?
29Reaching A New Generation 7: How to be an Excellent Storyteller?
30Reaching A New Generation Exam
Managing for Tomorrow
How do I contact my Instructor for this course?
Login to your student Dashboard. Go into your inbox and compose mail. Alternatively select the chat option to message your instructor directly.
Faq Content 2
- Duration: 12-16 weeks
- Exams: 6 exam
- Email instructor to request access to exam
Stars 5
Stars 4
Stars 3
Stars 2
Stars 1