- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
The Maturity Module has the world’s top speakers, pastors, psychologists, and authors to speak on much-needed topics for the mature Christian to grow in their walk with Christ.
The Seven Mountain Strategy – Lance Wallnau
Christians are meant to demonstrate God in every sphere of society not just within the church. Learn from Lance as he teaches these five thought-provoking sessions and explores the seventh strategic areas of influence in society would shape the culture of every nation.
• Spheres of influence
• Journey to convergence
• Hindrances to convergence
• Worldview of convergence
Navigating Betrayal – David Sumrall
Everyone faces betrayal in their lives. However, we cannot let the pain of betrayal stop us from accomplishing the work God has given us. We need to learn to forgive our betrayal and move on with our lives. This session will teach you how to recognize betrayal and begin to overcome it
- Recognizing betrayal
- Overcoming the hurt of betrayal
Leadership Principles – Phil Pringle
Phil Pringle is the pastor of C3 church in Sydney, Australia. He and his wife are strongly involved in church planting, as they oversee 300 churches worldwide. These sessions will teach on power of church building in this modern age through the Holy Spirit.
- Church Growth of the Modern Age
- Building the local Church through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit
The Marriage Trinity – Dr. Doug Weiss
Many Christians have a limited understanding of marriage and Dr. Doug himself confesses that he had a limited understanding himself, even after 4 degrees and after writing for books about marriage. In these sessions you will show you marriage the way god intended it.
• The Miracle of Marriage
• The difference between a Secular and a Christian Marriage
• New Testament Prophets
The Blessed Life – Robert Morris
Robert Morris is the pastor of Gateway Church in Texas with more than 26 000 active members. He is also featured on the television program, The Blessed Life. In these sessions you will see the principles of multiplication and discovered there’s so much more to Life.
• The happy life
• It’s all about the heart
• What test?
• The principle of the first
• Breaking the Spirit of Mammon
• Am I generous?
• The principles of multiplication
Cleansing Streams – Pastor Chris Hayward, Raymond Pettitt and Chad Daniel
Pastor Chris Hayward serves as the President of Cleansing Stream Ministries based in California. The ministry is dedicated to equipping local churches for biblically balanced, sound and effective deliverance ministry.
Raymond Pettitt is currently serving as the International Vice President of Cleansing Stream. He has also served nationally as a Regional Representative for Cleansing Stream.
Chad Daniel is the host and creator of the television program Youthbytes that is aired worldwide. Hear Chad as he teaches on pressing toward the goal God has for your life.
• Walk in the spirit
• To commit everything to God
• Speak words of life
• Enter the cleansing stream
• Press toward the goal
1Bible Reading Rosters Jan-Dec
2Intro: 7 Mountains Strategy
3Session 1: The Seven Mountain Strategy
4Notes: Intro: 7 Mountains Strategy
52 Spheres of Influence
6Notes: 2 Spheres of Influence
73 Journey to Convergence
8Notes: 3 Journey to Convergence
94 Hindrances to Convergence
10Notes: 4 Hindrances to Convergence
115 Worldview of Convergence
12Notes: 5 Worldview of Convergence
13Seven Mountains Strategy Exam
14Assignment: Submit Monthly Bible Reading Roster
20Church Growth of the Modern Age
21Notes: Session 1 Church Growth of the Modern Age
22Building the local Church through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit
23Notes: Session 2 Building the local Church through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit
24Leadership Principles Exam
25Leadership Principles
26Submit Monthly Bible Reading Roster
271. Living Free from Sexual Immorality
28Notes: Session 1. Living Free from Sexual Immorality
292. Overcoming Sexual Abuse
30Notes: Session 2. Overcoming Sexual Abuse
313. Overcoming Sexual Addiction
32Notes: Session 3. Overcoming Sexual Addiction
334. How to Have Great Married Sex
34Notes: Session 4. How to Have Great Married Sex
355. Parenting Sexually Healthy Children
36Notes: Session 5. Parenting Sexually Healthy Children
37Submit Bible Reading Roster
38Sexual Wholeness & Healing Exam